Richter, Karl Ernst (1795 - 1863)

Karl Ernst Richter at the age of 40
[fig. 1]

Karl Ernst Richter (1795 – 1863) at the age of 40
Lithograph on a drawing by C. Lutherer, around 1835
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau

Karl Ernst Richter was Robert Schumann's teacher at school in Zwickau and was admired and also feared by Schumann for his sharp intellect and diverse talents. According to the ideas of the Enlightenment, Richter stepped back from the position of the deacon in St. Mary's Church in Zwickau and edited from January 1827 until 1833, the weekly magazine "Die Biene", which by its name already reminds of the members and symbols of the old Masonic and Illuminati societies. After a short time as municipal councilor and state representative, Richter had to go into exile to America because of the political circumstances of the Vormärz. In 1848 he returned to his homeland, spurred by unfortunately false hopes. Richter edited in his publishing house a biography of the writer, booksellers and publisher colleague August Schumann, Robert Schumann's father.


Die letzten Ereignisse in Sachsen.
[fig. 2]

Die letzten Ereignisse in Sachsen.
Beschrieben von M.[agister] Karl Ernst Richter
Zwickau: Verlag der Richter’schen Buchhandlung, 1830
StadtMuseum Bonn

[Translated by Katharina Ma]

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